Asteroid Gallery |
2008 TC3 (The
first asteroid to be discovered
before impacting Earth)
2007 EH (A Very Fast Moving Object!)
2006 RH120 ( = 6R10DB9) (A second moon for the Earth?)
2006 CJ (Recovery at 2nd opposition)
2006 BV39 (Extremely small NEO caught inside the orbit of the
2005 WN3 (Extremely small NEO caught inside the orbit of the

(Note: Size of image on this page 420k)
2005 UW5 (Small NEO observed inside the orbit of the
2005 AH & 2005 AJ (Two Main Belt discoveries made in the same
field of view)

(Note: Size of image on this page 400k)
2004 OH9, 2004 OJ9, 2004 PN2 and 2004
(a relay race of minor planet discoveries made at Great Shefford)

2004 OD4 (Small Apollo discovered a day after passing
between Earth and Moon)

(99942) Apophis = 2004 MN4 (First minor planet to have a Torino
Scale 4 Earth impact prediction)

2004 MC (Amor caught 12 days before close approach to Earth by
visiting astronomers)
2004 LA10 (First Spacewatch FMO Project discovery by a
UK amateur)

2004 GC19 (Imaging a fast
moving 20th mag. Apollo in a rich star field with Astrometrica)

2004 FY31 (Potentially hazardous asteroid passing by

2004 FK5 (Amor at perihelion one week before close
approach to Earth)
2004 ER21 (Aten making close approach)

2004 EL20 (very small Aten at closest point to Earth,
5.7 lunar distances)

2004 DA53 (very small Aten after approach to Earth
to within 1.3 lunar distances)

2004 DN25 (fourth minor planet discovery made at Great

2004 DF2 (small Apollo rapidly receding from Earth)

(90482) Orcus = 2004 DW (Large Kuiper belt object)

2004 CZ1 (fast moving small Apollo makes close

2004 CQ (small Amor making close approach to Earth)

2004 AS1 (When initial predictions go wrong...)

2003 YG118 (Potentially hazardous Apollo)

2003 XH10 (Apollo approaching to within
7 lunar distances)

2003 XJ7 (Apollo making very close approach to within
12 Earth diameters)

2003 WT153 (small Aten making close approach, possible
space junk?)

2003 UB313 (the largest object discovered in the Solar system since Neptune in
2003 UT55 (small Aten making close approach to Earth)

2003 TQ3 (third asteroid discovered at Great Shefford)
2003 SQ222 (extremely small NEO making closest ever
recorded approach to Earth)

(Note: Size of images on this page 504k)
2003 SM215 (very small NEO making close approach to Earth)

(2 sets of images)
2003 SR84

2003 RV10 (second asteroid discovered at Great Shefford)

2003 RU11 (small Aten making close approach to Earth)

2003 QB30

2003 QC10 & M35

(in the Deep Sky Gallery)
2003 NL8
(First asteroid discovered at Great Shefford)

2003 NZ6
(A personal account of a brief encounter with an

2003 LP6

2002 NY40

2002 AA29 (Earth co-orbital asteroid)

2000 EV70
(confirmation of recovery of PHA)

2000 ED14
(recovery 2003 Feb)
