2004 OD4 (Small Apollo discovered a day after passing between
Earth and Moon)

Clouds interrupted exposures and stopped any further
imaging after 00:36 UT.
The brightest trail in the image (lower right) is galaxy
UGC 12196 (mag +15.0)
The fainter fuzzy trail above it is MGC 1-58-9 (mag ~16)
This small object (likely to be just 9-30m in diameter) passed the
Earth at about 40% the distance of the Moon 27 hours before being
discovered by LINEAR at 8am UT on 2004 Jul 17. Put on the NEO
Confirmation Page later that day it was also confirmed by LINEAR the
next night.
The positions obtained just after midnight on 19th July from Great
Shefford allowed the announcement of the object in MPEC
2004-O15, 40 minutes after they were sent to the Minor Planet Center.