What's new
V1.1.0.60 (31 Oct 2024)
New functionality: The Combine with astrometry and copy to clipboard context menu options are now able to download ADES astrometry (in XML format) from the MPC before combining with the astrometry in the editor. The new MPCUseAPIs setting must be set to True to allow use of the new MPC APIs (Application Programming Interfaces) for this to function.
Correct the calculation of Date/time in converted MPC1992 astrometry lines on systems where the decimal separator symbol is not a period.
V1.1.0.59 (04 Jul 2024)
Increase the number of lines allowed in the upper (ADES) edit area from approximately 150 to now be effectively unlimited.
Stop a non-fatal crash when running the program for the first time after installation if the Astrometrica logs folder cannot be located.
V1.1.0.58 (01 Apr 2024)
New functionality:
Changes to the context (right-click) menu on the ADES upper edit area:
- Add an option to combine ADES formatted astrometry with astrometry available from the MPC to the clipboard. Previously only MPC1992 format astrometry was copied.
- Allow more than one line to be operated on when using the Exclude and the Remove Photometry menu options.
Disable the options to Exclude astrometry lines if the Astrometrica ADESReport.psv file does not exist.
Increase the number of unique File IDs that can be generated per day from 36 to 962.
Correct the formatting of magnitude in converted MPC1992 astrometry lines on systems where the decimal separator symbol is not a period.
V1.1.0.57 (21 Oct 2023)
New functionality:
Translate unpacked provisional designations for asteroids and comets to the new 'Extended Packed Provisional Designation Scheme' where appropriate. The MPC announced the new (base-62) scheme in their October 2023 newsletter with more details at https://minorplanetcenter.net/mpcops/documentation/provisional-designation-definition/.
Allow NEOCP or PCCP objects to also send a status of 'Reported' to NEOfixer when submitting astrometry to the Minor Planet Center (previously only available for NEO_VI and NEO types). See Submitting Reported status to NEOfixer.
V1.1.0.56 (05 Sep 2023)
Fix MPES astrometry retrieval following internal changes made by the MPC around 31Aug/01Sep 2023
V1.1.0.55 (15 Jul 2023)
New functionality:
Add option to send a status of 'Reported' to NEOfixer when submitting NEO astrometry to the Minor Planet Center. See Submitting Reported status to NEOfixer.
Add validation of observing notes before astrometry is submitted to the Minor Planet Center, warning if deprecated or non-existent codes have been included.
Add translation of ADES mode CMO (Complementary Metal Oxide Semiconductor (CMOS)) to code 'B' in Note 2 (column 15) of the equivalent 80-column MPC1992 formatted record.
Add an application log, view via new Open Application log button.
V1.1.0.54 (10 Feb 2023)
New functionality:
New setting RADecExtraDigit (True/False) to allow the conversion of RA and Declination positions to include an extra digit of precision (3 instead of 2 decimals for RA and 2 instead of 1 decimals for Declination), to help in matching 80-column MPC1992 format astrometry using the Minor Planet Center's 'Where Are My Observations?' (WAMO) service. The default is False.
Allow magnitudes converted from ADES to MPC1992 format to retain the precision given in ADES format, up to the maximum 2 decimal digits allowed in the MPC1992 format, to help in matching 80-column astrometry using the MPC's WAMO service. Previously only 1 decimal digit was retained, even if more digits were available. See mag in Conversion to MPC1992 format for details.
For permanently numbered or provisionally designated asteroids and comets display a list of object types, e.g. NEO, NEO VI, Main-belt asteroid, Jupiter-family Comet etc. in the Types list. The information is downloaded from the JPL Small Bodies Database (SBDB).
V1.1.0.53 (05 Mar 2022)
Minor internal modifications.
V1.1.0.52 (15 Dec 2021):
If the setting ModifyACK was set to True and more than one object designation was contained in an ADES batch then the ACK line was not being modified with the number of different objects in the batch. Bug introduced in version See also ACK lines and ModifyACK setting.
V1.1.0.51 (25 Nov 2021):
New functionality:
New Edit ADES identifiers screen to allow permID, provID, trkSub and artSat IDs on one or more astrometry lines to be updated in a single operation.
New Refresh Star Catalogue list from MPC button on Settings screen to download latest Star Catalogue list from MPC website, used to give a more accurate translation of ADES astCat values to MPC1992 NET header values.
ADES mag band is translated to MPC1992 mag band more accurately. See band in Conversion to MPC1992 format for details.
Corrections to logic for validating permID, provID, trkSub and artSat identifiers to match ADES standards document Identification Group rules (section 4.2.1). See rules in Edit ADES identifiers.
V1.1.0.50 (16 Oct 2021):
New functionality:
Add a Check for Updates to notify the user when new versions are available for download
V1.1.49 (25 Aug 2021):
New functionality:
Automatically configure the curlCMD setting if Windows includes a native version of curl.exe
Add Redo button to toolstrip and to context menu for ADES text area
Add Windows help via toolstrip button or by pressing F1 key.
Astrometrica INI file now located on systems with Windows installed on a drive other than C:
V1.1.48 (18 Mar 2021):
Internal tool strip behaviour and registration modifications
V1.1.46 (02 Mar 2021):
If an unexpected .cfg file was detected and the user reset to the default .cfg file setting then the location of Astrometrica logs was not being refreshed from the default .cfg file.
V1.1.45 (10 Feb 2021):
Initial public release
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