Toolstrip buttons:



Open astrometry from Astrometrica    F5. Loads the upper edit area with the astrometry from the Astrometrica output file ADESReport.psv. Same as pressing function key F5.   If “Exclude submitted” is selected, only astrometry that has not already been submitted to the MPC from this program since it last started will appear in the upper edit area, otherwise, all astrometry in the file will be shown.

Only enabled if the AstrometricaLogsPath setting is a valid folder and the Astrometrica ADESReport.psv file exists in that folder.

Parse and convert. Any ADES astrometry in the upper edit area is converted to 80-column MPC1992 format astrometry and placed in the lower edit area. This button can be used any time, to re-convert if for instance the ADES lines have been changed (e.g., if photometry has been removed, or observing notes codes added to a line). The converted MPC1992 text is automatically copied to the clipboard.

Save text as file. The text in the upper edit area is saved as a text file in the folder named in the FilePath setting. Before saving, the file name to be used is shown in the “Next File Name” area. This name is constructed as “MPC<yyyymmdd><file ID>_<type>.psv, where:

<yyyymmdd> is the session date = the local date when the local time was last 12 noon (i.e. yyyymmdd does not change during the local night)

<file ID> is a sequential one or two character string, starting with A-Z then A0-AZ, B0-BZ, up to ZZ, incremented each time a file is saved

<type> is the currently selected type (NEOCP, NEO, MBA, Comet etc.). This is included in the file name to allow the user identify archived files of a specific target type quickly.

Only enabled if the FilePath setting is a valid folder.

Send the file named in "File to submit" to the MPC. The file will be sent for normal processing if configuration is set to "submit", or sent for validation only if configuration is set to "validate" (see configuration options below). An internet connection is required.


Use the Submit ADES astrometry file configuration. After ADES astrometry is saved using Save text as file this button is enabled allowing the user to select “submit” to send the batch to the live MPC server and optionally send Reported status to NEOfixer if configured.

Only enabled if “File to submit” is an existing .psv file in the folder named in the FilePath setting. Uses the cURLURLProd setting.

Use the Validate ADES astrometry file configuration. After ADES astrometry is saved using Save text as file this button is enabled allowing the user to select “validate” to validate the structure of the ADES text using the MPC’s “Validating ADES-2017 PSV Formatted Observation” service, see Validate ADES data and optionally check connectivity with NEOfixer if configured.

Only enabled if “File to submit” is an existing .psv file in the folder named in the FilePath setting. Uses the cURLURLTest setting.

Find next unused File ID. Searches text files with the current session date in the folder named in the FilePath setting for the next unused letter(s). Normally updated automatically as files are submitted. See also Save text as file.

Only enabled if the FilePath setting is a valid folder.

Add ADES skeleton comment line. Adds a “# comment” line followed by an empty “! line” line to the ADES text header lines to allow the user to easily add manual comment line(s) to be sent to the MPC. A valid comment might appear as:

   # comment

   ! line This is text to send to the MPC with this batch

If multiple lines are required, manually copy and paste extra “! line” lines. There should be a maximum of one “# comment” line in a batch.

Add private ADES skeleton comment line (not transmitted to MPC). Similar to “Add ADES skeleton comment line” but adds a “# localuse comment” line followed by an empty “! localuse line” line to the ADES text to allow the user to easily add manual comment line(s) that will NOT be sent to the MPC. Use if there is a need to save information about the batch that is not relevant to the MPC. If multiple lines are required, copy and paste extra “! localuse line” lines.  There should be a maximum of one “# localuse comment” line in a batch. See also Local Use file copies.


Undo and Redo. Allow any changes made to the ADES text area to be undone and redone.

Clear. Clears all text from the upper edit area.

Add all unsubmitted lines in current ADESReport.psv to Submission history. Works in conjunction with the “Exclude submitted?” check box. Use when all astrometry intended to be sent to the MPC has been sent, leaving some lines that should not be sent. This option adds all unsubmitted lines to the submission history. If Exclude submitted? is ticked then this will stop them from being added back into the upper edit area if Open astrometry from Astrometrica    F5 is pressed. See also context menu option “Exclude by ID”.

Only enabled if the AstrometricaLogsPath setting is a valid folder and the Astrometrica ADESReport.psv file exists in that folder.

Cancel long running http operation. Only displayed during http operations. If there are network issues during downloading of data from the internet, press this button to abandon the http operation.

Open copy of submission log .csv file. Hold Ctrl+Shift to open original file. See Submission Log for more information.

Only enabled if FilePath setting is a valid folder.

Rename current Astrometrica log files. Appends the LastWriteTimeUtc of the ADESReport.psv file, in yyyymmddhhmmss format to the three Astrometrica log files if they exist. So, if the .psv file was last changed on 2021-Jan-18 19:38:48 UTC then the ADESReport.psv, Astrometrica.log and PhotReport.txt files would be renamed to ADESReport20210118193848.psv, Astrometrica20210118193848.log and PhotReport20210118193848.txt. If there is no .psv file and the 80-column MPC1992 format file MPCReport.txt exists, the LastWriteTimeUtc of that file will be used instead.

Only enabled if the AstrometricaLogsPath setting is a valid folder.

Open MPC Reports path with Explorer.  Windows Explorer is used to open the folder defined by the FilePath setting, where saved MPC astrometry batches (ADES .psv files and converted MPC1992 .txt files) are stored by the Astrometry Parser.

Only enabled if FilePath setting is a valid folder.

Open Astrometrica logs path with Explorer. Windows Explorer is used to open the Astrometrica Output directory, configured in Astrometrica’s Environment settings tab and duplicated to the AstrometricaLogsPath setting here.

Only enabled if the AstrometricaLogsPath setting is a valid folder.

Refresh Astrometrica log folder via Astrometrica.ini (Ctrl = prompt for location of Astrometrica.ini). Resets the AstrometricaLogsPath setting by using the Astrometrica.ini file to locate the current Astrometrica Program settings (configuration) file and within it the OutDir setting for the Astrometrica Logs path. On Win7 and Win10 PCs the Astrometrica.ini file is located as standard in <drive>:\Users\<user>\AppData\Local\Astrometrica where <drive> is the drive where the Windows system is installed and <user> is the current Windows user name and this will be used as a default to locate Astrometrica.ini. Hold Ctrl when clicking the button to allow the path to be entered directly if required. Alternatively use the Browse button in the AstrometricaINIPath setting to locate the folder.

Open application log. Opens the Astrometry Parser application log in Windows Notepad. Scroll to the end of the document for the latest log entries. Entries are made when the program is started and stopped and also when ADES submissions are made to the MPC, or when status updates are sent to NEOfixer. See also Overwrite Log setting.

Settings. Display the Astrometry Parser Settings window to allow editing all program settings. See Settings section.

Help      F1. Display this help document (online version is available via link in the About screen). Same as pressing function key F1.

About. Display program version details, contact information and registration. A link connects to the application home page at the Great Shefford Observatory website.

Exit program.

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