Target Type
Target type is set by the user to indicate the type of objects included in a batch of astrometry. The initial value selected when the program starts is set using the TargetTypeDefault setting.
Astrometry Parser is designed to handle astrometry for objects of a single type at a time, e.g. objects on the NEOCP should not be mixed with measurements of already known NEOs, comets or Main Belt Asteroids because a check is made to ensure the object identifiers (permID, provID, trkSub, artSat) match the target type (see Submitting ADES data to the MPC). If a batch in the ADES upper edit area does contain multiple types, then manually delete all but one type before further processing with the Parse and Convert, Save text as file and Submit ADES astrometry file to the MPC toolstrip buttons. If Submit is pressed, answering "No" to the prompt "x lines not submitted yet, do you want to add all unsubmitted lines to Submission history now? Yes or No" will reload the ADES upper edit area with any unprocessed astrometry again so it can be also be processed. If Submit is not being used, then pressing Open astrometry from Astrometrica button or pressing F5 will load the ADES upper edit area with any astrometry from the Astrometrica output file ADESReport.psv that has not already been excluded. See Submission History / Excluding lines.
The selection of Target type modifies the default file name which is used if the files are subsequently saved with the Save text as file button. In the example above, Target type Comet is selected and the “Next file name” has been automatically changed to have a suffix of “Comet.psv”. The suffix is intended as an aid for the user to identify archived astrometry batches.
Target type categorises the ADES data if the Astrometry Parser is used to submit the astrometry directly to the MPC. If “NEO” or “Comet” are selected a checkbox labelled “discovery?” is displayed. If the user thinks they have discovered a new, previously undiscovered object and so need to report it as a new NEO candidate, or a new comet then tick the “discovery?” checkbox, otherwise leave it unticked. Other objects that the observer thinks may be new should be reported using the TempID type and do not need to be flagged as potentially new objects, this will be determined by the MPC in due course. Objects already on the NEOCP or PCCP are known objects and therefore the "discovery?" checkbox is not displayed for these types.
The Astrometry Parser uses more types than are defined by the MPC, as a convenience to the observer. The table shows the mapping of Target types in the Astrometry Parser to MPC object types on the Submit ADES-2017 Pipe-Separated-Values (PSV) Formatted Observations page. The Valid IDs column indicates the ID types (permID, provID, trkSub and artSat) that are allowed to be used for a given Target Type.
Target Type |
New object? |
MPC unusual object Type |
Valid IDs |
Description |
neocp |
trkSub |
Object currently on the NEOCP |
neocp |
trkSub |
Object currently on the PCCP |
Yes |
neo candidate |
trkSub |
Possible new NEO candidate (not on NEOCP) |
neo |
permID, provID |
Known NEO |
neo |
permID, provID |
Known NEO currently listed as a virtual impactor |
Comet |
Yes |
new comet |
trkSub |
Possible new comet (not on PCCP) |
Comet |
comet |
permID, provID |
Known comet |
tno |
permID, provID |
Known Trans-Neptunian Object |
Unusual |
unclassified |
permID, provID |
Known object not covered by neo, comet or tno types and not a Main Belt Asteroid (MBA) |
unclassified |
permID, provID |
Known object not covered by types listed above (mainly Main Belt Asteroids) |
TempID |
unclassified |
trkSub |
Possible new non-neo, non-comet object (possible new asteroidal objects with a NEO rating not high enough to reach the NEOCP) |
artsat |
artSat |
Artificial satellite |
artsat |
artSat |
Artificial satellite (used for timing calibration, including satellites from GPS, Galileo, GLONASS, BeiDou and JXSS systems) |
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