version 1.0.12 Rev 08Feb2025

Astrometrica Selector is a small utility designed to make it easier and quicker to start the Astrometrica application with a specific set of Program settings (configurations, stored in .CFG files) when more than one set are in regular use. It can also be used to start a specific version of Astrometrica when more than one is installed.

For instance, you may be using different program settings for:

  • each telescope you use (e.g. using different Observing site or CCD settings)
  • measuring astrometry or photometry (e.g. using different CCD, Program or Catalog settings)

Using Astrometrica Selector, the choice of configuration to be used is made before Astrometrica is started, rather than after it has started.

More than one version of Astrometrica may be used for:

  • creating both ADES and MPC1992 (80-column) astrometry files
  • Testing a new beta version of Astrometrica while keeping a previous version available

Astrometrica Selector can be used to start Astrometrica in two modes:

  • By manually selecting a Program settings configuration file from a list, together with a version of Astrometrica to be used, then pressing a button to start Astrometrica. See Start Astrometrica using current selections.
  • By creating a Windows shortcut that can be used to start Astrometrica directly with a specific Program settings configuration file and version of Astrometrica. Astrometrica Selector can create Windows shortcuts to any of your existing Program settings configuration files and versions of Astrometrica. See Create shortcut.

Astrometrica Selector can also be used to set the default program settings file to be used the next time Astrometrica is started, without running Astrometrica. See Save selected CFG file as default.

Astrometrica Selector expects all Astrometrica configuration files (files with a .cfg file extension) are stored in a single folder. See Astrometrica internal files for more information.

Astrometrica Selector has been tested to integrate successfully with Astrometrica versions (the last MPC1992 (80-column) astrometry version) and (ADES version).

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