Astrometrica internal file usage

When Astrometrica is running it uses two files to read settings from and to save settings in:

Astrometrica.ini for program level information 

• A user named configuration file (with file extension .cfg) for information at the observing site level

Both Astrometrica.ini and the configuration file are maintained automatically by Astrometrica during normal use and should not normally be manually edited outside of Astrometrica.

Astrometrica only uses one Astrometrica.ini file and it has a fixed location, in the Astrometrica local application data folder (normally similar to C:\Users\<user>\AppData\Local\Astrometrica, if the system is installed on the C: drive).

The user can create as many configuration files as needed, by pressing the Astrometrica Edit Program Settings button, making changes, then using the 'Save As' button. Astrometrica allows configuration files to be stored in any folder.

The name of the last configuration file used is automatically stored in the Astrometrica.ini file. This file is a standard Windows .ini file containing several sections and within each section is a list of key-value pairs. Astrometrica only ever references one .cfg file at a time and the name of the current configuration file is stored within the [CFGFile] section of the .ini file using a key of File. As an example, a configuration file called "MySiteSettings.cfg" that is stored in a folder called "C:\MyAstrometricaCFGFiles" would appear in the Astrometrica.ini file as follows:



Astrometrica Selector internal file usage

Astrometrica Selector expects all configuration files are stored in a single folder so they can be located quickly. This does not need to be in the same location as the Astrometrica.ini file.

When Astrometrica Selector starts it reads the name of the currently selected configuration file from the Astrometrica.ini file and then compiles a list of all files with a .cfg file extension in the same folder. This list of files is then displayed in the Astrometrica Selector window.

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