Astrometry Data Exchange Standard. Describes how information can be formatted to allow position and brightness information of an astronomical object to be stored in for instance, a simple text file. Supersedes and is more flexible than the previous format used by the Minor Planet Center, known as the 80-column MPC1992 format. See the MPC's July 2018 ADES announcement and their ADES Data submission page, together with the Concise Description of the ADES standard document. |
A Windows program by Herbert Raab providing professional quality astrometric reduction, track & stack, automated moving object detection functionality and more. See the Astrometrica website at Versions of Astrometrica up to 4.11 generate astrometry data files in MPC1992 format, but from version 4.12 onwards generate ADES PSV formatted text files only. Version 4.11 is available from the Astrometrica Downloads page but the ADES version, announced in July 2018 in message #6994 on the Astrometrica message forum is still (May 2022) only available as a beta version, direct download of the zip file is available from |
Astrometrica Selector (program) |
A small Windows program designed to make it easier and quicker to start the Astrometrica application with a specific set of Program settings when more than one set are in regular use. |
An internal file Astrometrica uses to store program level settings, e.g. the position of the Astrometrica window, the zoom window settings and also the Program settings configuration file (.cfg file) currently in use. See Astrometrica internal files for more information. The Astrometrica.ini file should not be manually edited, all settings can be adjusted via the main Astrometrica program. |
A format for storing astrometry data, defined by the Minor Planet Center in 1992 and still in use today, though gradually being replaced by the ADES format. Individual lines are limited to a length of 80 characters. |
Astrometrica allows the user to specify settings relating to the observing site, CCD etc. and saves these settings in a configuration file with a file suffix of .cfg. See the Astrometrica documentation for more details of the individual settings. More than one configuration file can be saved, so that different sets of equipment, star catalogues etc. can be easily used. See Astrometrica internal files for more information. |
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