By starting Astrometrica Selector using its installed shortcut all the setting configuration files found in the folder containing the currently selected configuration file will be listed and, by default the most recently modified configuration file will be at the top of the list. The order the files are listed can be changed by clicking on the sort glyphs in the "Last updated" and "CFG file name" headings.

The configuration file that Astrometrica will take its settings from is initially selected in the list automatically, but any of the other configuration files can be selected instead, by clicking on the required line.

Press the Launch Astrometrica using selected settings button in the toolstrip to launch Astrometrica using the program settings in the configuration file selected in the list.

Press the Save as default Astrometrica cfg file toolstrip button to make Astrometrica use the settings in the configuration file selected in the list the next time it is launched. 

(Click on parts of the window to jump to more information)

File last changed datesList of configuration filesSort by last updated dateSort by configuration file nameEdit Astrometrica.ini fileEdit currently selected .cfg fileOpen settings configuration file folder with ExplorerUse selected CFG file to start AstrometricaSave selected CFG file as defaultHelp (F1)SettingsAboutExitMessage areaCreate Desktop shortcut for fileRefresh list (F5)

Toolstrip buttons

View Astrometrica.INI file

Open the Astrometrica.ini file for viewing (beware - it should never be necessary to manually edit this file and could cause problems with the operation of Astrometrica if it is manually changed)

View selected settings configuration file

Open the selected program settings configuration file for viewing (beware - it should not be necessary to manually edit this file, use the Edit Program Settings option within Astrometrica instead)

Open settings configuration files folder with Explorer

Start Windows Explorer, opening the folder where the currently selected Astrometrica configuration file is stored.

Launch Astrometrica using selected settings

Start Astrometrica using the program settings contained in the currently selected configuration file. This causes the File keyword in the [CFGFile] section in the Astrometrica.ini file to be updated with the selected configuration file before launching Astrometrica.

Save as default Astrometrica cfg file

Save the name of the currently selected configuration file in the Astrometrica.ini file by updating the File keyword in the [CFGFile] section. Note: Astrometrica is not launched using this option.

Refresh list (F5)

Refresh the list of configuration files. Same as pressing function key F5.

Create Desktop shortcut for file

Creates a shortcut on the Windows Desktop to allow Astrometrica to be launched from the shortcut using the settings from the selected configuration file, without needing to first select the configuration file from the list in Astrometrica Selector.

Select a file in the configuration file list and press the Create Desktop shortcut for file button.

The user is prompted for a shortcut name, defaulting to the name of the configuration file but can be changed, e.g.:

If there is already a shortcut of that name on the Desktop the user will be prompted to overwrite the shortcut or to cancel the creation of the shortcut.

After the shortcut is created it can be used as is on the Desktop, or moved to a more convenient location, or deleted.

When the shortcut is double-clicked the following steps occur:

  • Astrometrica Selector is launched in the background and checks that the configuration file exists
    • If the file does exist then the Astrometrica.ini file is updated with the configuration file name, then Astrometrica is started and Astrometrica Selector ends. 
    • If the file does not exist then Astrometrica is not started, instead Astrometrica Selector displays the list of configuration files as if it had been started normally, displaying an error message in the message area that the configuration file was not found.

If Astrometrica fails to start from the shortcut the main Astrometrica Selector window will appear with an appropriate error shown in the message area.

If the configuration file selected for the shortcut is renamed or deleted a new shortcut will need to be generated and the original shortcut deleted.

Help (F1)

Display this help document (online version is available via link in the About screen). Same as pressing function key F1.


Display the Settings window to edit program settings. See Settings for a description of the Settings screen. See List of Settings for information on individual settings.


Display program version details, contact information and registration. A link connects to the application home page at the Great Shefford Observatory website. See About for more information.


Exit program

List of configuration files

Click on a line to select a configuration file. The currently selected file can be operated on using the Launch Astrometrica using selected settings, Save as default Astrometrica cfg file or Create Desktop shortcut for file buttons.

Last updated column

The last updated date and time (local time) of each configuration file.


Press to sort the last updated column in ascending or descending order

CFG file name

The name of each Astrometrica configuration file found in the same folder as the currently selected configuration file.


Press to sort the CFG file name column in ascending or descending order

Message area

Informational, warning and error messages are displayed at the bottom of the Astrometrica Selector window. You may need to resize the window to see the entire message.

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