Settings can be displayed and modified by pressing the Settings button on the toolstrip.

Settings are grouped into categories for convenience and are described below:





AstrometricaExe1, AstrometricaExe2, AstrometricaExe3

The name(s) of up to three Astrometrica executable files, including the full path for each. By default this would normally be "C:\Program Files (x86)\Astrometrica\Astrometrica.exe". Click into a setting to show the file selector button for easy navigation to the correct location. At least one of the settings AstrometricaExe1, AstrometricaExe2 or AstrometricaExe3 must be correctly configured before Astrometrica Selector can be used to start Astrometrica.


The folder where Astrometrica stores the internal file Astrometrica.ini and one or more program settings configuration files suffixed .cfg. The folder is normally located in the local application data folder and should be automatically located when Astrometrica Selector is first run. However, if the folder is located elsewhere this setting may need to be reconfigured manually. If the default setting does need changing, click into the setting to show the folder selector button for easy navigation to the correct folder.

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