Last updated 12 Jul 2024

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Great Shefford Observatory Minor Planet Discovery Circumstances

Ephemerides for the unnumbered objects on this page can be generated here.

As of April 2024 the number of minor planets officially credited with being discovered from Great Shefford is 110, see the list of numbered objects below.

On 19 October 2010 the Minor Planet Center published an Editorial Notice announcing a change to the way discovery credit is assigned to new discoveries.

The new rules make it more difficult for amateurs to be credited with new discoveries and also more difficult to predict which objects that are initially picked up as potentially new objects will eventually result in discovery credit being assigned to the observer.

The new rules can seem confusing at first and an article attempting to describe them can be found here.

Potential new minor planets picked up from Great Shefford are now separated into several different lists, depending on their status:

Numbered minor planets discovered from Great Shefford (and discovery circumstances summary)
Possible candidates for discovery credit (new rules)

The list of non-principal designations no longer has any relevance with the introduction of the new discovery rules and will no longer be rigorously maintained.

In the list below, the first column (Disc. Seq.) gives a running tally of numbered objects together with the sequence in which the objects were first picked up, e.g. 1/6 for (128465) 2004 OJ9 indicates it was the first minor planet to receive a permanent number, but was the 6th to be discovered from Great Shefford.

Numbered minor planets discovered from Great Shefford:
Disc. Seq. Designation Discovery Date Mag.(1) Circumstances Numbered in MPC batch issued on:
1/6 (128465) 2004 OJ9 2004 Jul 20 +19.8 In field of NEOCP object (2004 NN31) 2006 Mar 14
2/50 (145535) 2006 GP3 2006 Apr 08 +19.3 In field of NEOCP object (2006 GS2) 2006 Dec 05
3/29 (147833) 2005 TW49 2005 Oct 09 +20.2 In field of NEOCP object (2005 TT45) 2007 Jan 06
4/28 (152298) 2005 TV49 2005 Oct 09 +20.4 In field of MBA discovery 2005 SX21 2007 Mar 03
5/34 (155216) 2005 VV2 2005 Nov 05 +20.0 In field of NEOCP object (2005 VM1) 2007 Apr 02
6/1 (159786) 2003 NL8 2003 Jul 14 +19.0 In field of Comet 104P/Kowal 2 2007 Jun 30
7/15 (164359) 2005 EC1 2005 Mar 02 +20.2 In recovery field of MBA discovery 2003 TQ3 2007 Sep 26
8/72 (168270) 2007 PY1 2007 Aug 06 +19.0 In field of MBA discovery 2007 PG1 2007 Oct 26
9/4 (172762) 2004 DN25 2004 Feb 22 +20.3 In field of MBA 2004 CK3 (station 185 discovery) 2007 Dec 24
10/38 (191976) 2005 WR57 2005 Nov 21 +19.8 In field of ex NEOCP unusual object 2005 VX3 2008 Sep 17
11/68 (192197) 2007 HR4 2007 Apr 19 +20.3 In field of MBA discovery 2007 HQ4. 2008 Sep 17
12/20 (198815) 2005 EJ222 2005 Mar 12 +20.3 In field of MBA discovery 2005 EF30 2008 Nov 13
13/18 (204512) 2005 EF1 2005 Mar 02 +20.3 In recovery field of MBA discovery 2003 TQ3 2009 Jan 11
14/14 (209627) 2005 AD46 2005 Jan 11 +20.0 In field of NEO 2005 AV3 2009 Mar 11
15/19 (209694) 2005 EF30 2005 Mar 03 +20.6 In field of MBA discoveries 2005 EC1 -2005 EF1 2009 Mar 11
16/96 (210426) 2008 AV72 2008 Jan 07 +20.8 In field of MBA discovery 2007 XS16. Submitted to the MPC on 17 Jan as a ONS after poor weather stopped follow-up, but it was matched with positions from Mt. Lemmon from 12 Jan and given designation 2008 AV72. This allowed faint pre-discovery images to be identified on images from Great Shefford taken on 29 Dec for 2007 XS16 and on 19 Dec for 2007 YL2. By 21 Jan the MPC had matched it with various one and two night observations over 5 oppositions back to 2000. It had previously received designations 2000 JF4 and 2006 PH11 from observations on two nearby nights in those years, but retained 2008 AV72 as the principal designation. 2008 AV72 received permanent number (210426) in March 2009. 2009 Mar 11
17/16 (214182) 2005 ED1 2005 Mar 02 +20.1 In recovery field of MBA discovery 2003 TQ3 2009 May 09
18/26 (224211) 2005 SX21 2005 Sep 28 +20.0 In field of NEO 2005 SR4 2009 Nov 02
19/43 (227722) 2006 EQ 2006 Mar 04 +19.9 In field of NEO 2006 DO63  2009 Dec 02
20/13 (229255) Andrewelliott
2005 AJ
2005 Jan 04 +20.2 In field of NEO 2004 XG29 2009 Dec 31
21/49 (229648) 2006 GG2 2006 Apr 04 +20.4 In field of NEOCP object (2006 GZ) 2009 Dec 31
22/3 (230681) 2003 TQ3 2003 Oct 05 +19.7 In field of NEO 2003 TK 2010 Jan 30
23/89 (236971) 2007 XC18 2007 Dec 12 +20.6 In field of NEO 2007 XZ9 2010 Mar 30
24/10 (238546) 2004 VK65 2004 Nov 13 +19.7 In field of NEO 1999 VT25 2010 Apr 28
25/21 (240705) 2005 GZ60 2005 Apr 08 +19.5 In field of NEOCP object (2005 GO59) 2010 May 27
26/46 (240937) 2006 GD1 2006 Apr 03 +19.4 In search area trying to recover MBA discovery 2004 VD70 2010 May 27
27/75 (241124) 2007 PO29 2007 Aug 12 +19.8 In field of MBA discovery 2007 PN9 2010 May 27
28/127 (241497) 2009 CC4 2009 Feb 07 +19.6 In the search field for MBA discovery 2009 CA45 that had been found along with 2009 CB4 on Feb 02. Subsequently, pre-discovery images of 2009 CC4 were also found just a few pixels from the edge of the discovery field of 2009 CB4 and 2009 CA45 on Feb 2nd. 2010 May 27
29/132 (241517) 2009 EK 2009 Mar 01 +20.0 In search field of an object that was eventually identified as 2004 XE92 that had been found on 21 Feb 2009, which itself was found following up discovery 2009 CA45. 2010 May 27
30/90 (246485) 2007 XD18 2007 Dec 12 +19.9 In field of NEO 2007 XP3 2010 Jul 26
31/41 (248552) 2005 YA 2005 Dec 17 +20.1 In field of MBA discovery 2005 WU57 2010 Aug 24
32/86 (256655) 2007 XV16 2007 Dec 11 +20.0 In field of MBA discovery 2004 DN25 2010 Nov 28
33/35 (261440) 2005 VJ7 2005 Nov 12 +20.3 In field of NEOCP object (2005 VU5) 2011 Jan 19
34/54 (262302) 2006 TY 2006 Oct 01 +19.9 In field of Comet P/2006 S1 2011 Jan 19
35/65 (262919) 2007 CB64 2007 Feb 15 +20.5 In search field of MBA 2007 BR2 (station J87 discovery, but 2007 BR2 was not found). 2007 CB64 could not be confirmed due to bad weather and moonlight for over two weeks, eventually being picked up again during the total lunar eclipse of 03 Mar 2007. 2011 Jan 19
36/69 (263044) 2007 HB5 2007 Apr 19 +19.8 In field of NEOCP object (Comet C/2007 H2 (Skiff)). The comet passed 23" west of 2007 HB5 at 22:59UT on the discovery night. 2011 Jan 19
37/94 (263184) 2007 YM2 2007 Dec 16 +20.4 In field of MBA discovery 2007 XV16 2011 Jan 19
38/138 (266734) 2009 SO 2009 Sep 16 +18.4 In field of NEOCP object 2009 SC. 2009 SO is a Zone I (inner main belt) object and at mag. +18.4, the brightest object at discovery found to date from Great Shefford Observatory. 2011 Feb 18
39/62 (268847) 2006 XZ4 2006 Dec 12 +20.4 In field of NEO object (2006 XW) 2011 Mar 19
40/2 (271109) 2003 RV10 2003 Sep 13 +18.5 In field of NEOCP object (2003 QJ5) 2011 Apr 18
41/71 (274001) 2007 PG1 2007 Aug 04 +20.7 In search field of NEOCP object 2007 OR9 2011 Apr 18
42/100 (278620) 2008 QM20 2008 Aug 31 +19.8 In field of NEO 2008 QU11. 2011 May 17
43/115 (279096) 2008 XZ6 2008 Dec 06 +20.0 In field of NEO object 2008 XO2. 2011 May 17
44/12 (280639) 2005 AH 2005 Jan 04 +20.1 In field of NEO 2004 XG29 2011 Jun 15
45/9 (283957) 2004 RF 2004 Sep 02 +20.5 In field of NEO 2004 QB17 2011 Aug 13
46/37 (290872) 2005 WQ57 2005 Nov 20 +20.3 In field of NEO 2005 VY3  2011 Sep 12
47/77 (293705) 2007 QK 2007 Aug 16 +18.6 In field of NEO object (2007 PF28) 2011 Sep 12
48/88 (294519) 2007 XB18 2007 Dec 12 +20.6 In field of NEO 2007 XZ9 2011 Sep 12
49/95 (294568) 2007 YP47 2007 Dec 29 +20.5 In field of MBA discovery 2007 XU23 2011 Sep 12
50/135 (296319) 2009 EE3 2009 Mar 05 +20.5 In field of NEO object 2009 EK1. 2011 Sep 12
51/55 (299919) 2006 TZ 2006 Oct 03 +20.0 In field of NEOCP object (2006 TK, which was not detected) 2011 Oct 12
52/56 (299922) 2006 TY6 2006 Oct 04 +20.4 In field of unidentified MBA (which was eventually designated as a Spacewatch discovery 2006 SG186 ). 2011 Oct 12
53/125 (301345) 2009 CU3 2009 Feb 02 +20.1 In field of NEOCP object 2009 CF. 2011 Oct 12
54/129 (305716) 2009 CQ6 2009 Feb 14 +19.5 In field of NEO object 2009 CY1. 2011 Nov 10
55/25 (308387) 2005 SW21 2005 Sep 28 +20.3 In field of NEO 2005 SR4 2011 Dec 10
56/78 (309238) 2007 RV10 2007 Sep 11 +19.4 In field of NEOCP object 2007 RU9 2011 Dec 10
57/99 (309709) 2008 GE3 2008 Apr 07 +20.7 In field of NEOCP object 8G005AF (which was never confirmed) 2011 Dec 10
58/134 (309897) 2009 EM2 2009 Mar 03 +20.2 In field of MBA discovery 2009 EK. 2011 Dec 10
59/59 (314922) 2006 WE29 2006 Nov 21 +20.1 In field of NEOCP object (2006 WU3). 2012 Feb 07
60/97 (320810) 2008 FM5 2008 Mar 27 +20.6 In field of NEO 2008 EW5. 2012 Mar 08
61/67 (328002) 2007 HQ4 2007 Apr 19 +20.7 In field of MBA discovery 2005 WR57. 2012 May 06
62/23 (335340) 2005 SR19 2005 Sep 24 +20.0 In field of NEOCP object (2005 SR1) 2012 Aug 31
63/48 (340438) 2006 GA2 2006 Apr 04 +19.9 In field of MBA discovery 2006 GZ1 2012 Oct 29
64/110 (342371) 2008 UO5 2008 Oct 25 +19.5 In field of NEOCP object 2008 UZ6 2012 Oct 29
65/111 (346502) 2008 UH95 2008 Oct 28 +21.1 In field of NEOCP object 2008 UO90 2012 Nov 28
66/131 (346855) 2009 EJ 2009 Mar 01 +19.6 In field of NEO object 2009 DA43. 2012 Nov 28
67/143 (347005) 2010 DJ12 2010 Feb 20 +20.8 In field of MBA 2010 DA1 (station 185 discovery) 2012 Nov 28
68/52 (348739) 2006 GS3 2006 Apr 05 +20.3 In field of unidentified MBA (which was eventually designated as a Spacewatch discovery 2006 GT1 ). 2006 GS3 appears to be a Hilda type object (in 3:2 resonance with Jupiter) 2012 Dec 28
69/124 (349774) 2009 BG10 2009 Jan 20 +20.3 In field of NEOCP object 2009 BP5. 2012 Dec 28
70/121 (352928) 2009 AK2 2009 Jan 06 +19.8 In field of MBA discovery 2009 AN1. 2013 Jan 27
71/53 (355092) 2006 TX 2006 Oct 01 +20.6 In field of Comet P/2006 S1 2013 Feb 25
72/145 (359502) 2010 PV78 2010 Aug 05 +19.8 In field of NEO object 2010 PQ2. 2013 Mar 27
73/64 (367197) 2007 BC3 2007 Jan 21 +19.8 In field of NEOCP object (2007 BS2). 2013 Jul 22
74/108 (375473) 2008 UH1 2008 Oct 21 +20.4 In field of MBA discovery 2008 TV9 2013 Oct 18
75/45 (377922) 2006 EN45 2006 Mar 02 +20.7 In field of NEO 2006 DX 2013 Nov 17
76/102 (383953) 2008 TV 2008 Oct 02 +20.1 In field of NEOCP object, Comet C/2008 T1 (Boattini) 2014 Jan 16
77/74 (386092) 2007 PO9 2007 Aug 12 +19.6 In field of MBA discovery 2007 PN9 2014 Feb 14
78/103 (388944) 2008 TR1 2008 Oct 02 +20.9 In field of NEOCP object 2008 TE 2014 Mar 16
79/58 (391373) 2006 WJ4 2006 Nov 20 +20.2 In field of NEOCP object (2006 WD4). 2014 Apr 15
80/73 (394437) 2007 PN9 2007 Aug 12 +20.3 In field of Mars-crossing unusual minor planet 2007 PR 2014 May 14
81/113 (397890) 2008 UX202 2008 Oct 28 +20.8 In field of NEOCP object AM4772 (which was never confirmed). 2014 Jun 13
82/11 (399718) 2004 VD70 2004 Nov 13 +20.3 In field of MBA discovery 2004 VK65 2014 Jul 12
83/130 (400618) 2009 CA45 2009 Feb 02 +20.3 In field of ex-NEOCP Mars-crossing object 2009 BF77. Initial attempts to confirm 2009 CA45 were hampered by the waxing Moon (full on Feb 09) and tentative positions obtained on Feb 7th were only confirmed by observations made on Feb 21st. 2014 Jul 12
84/133 (410771) 2009 EL2 2009 Mar 01 +20.6 In field of NEO object 2009 DA43. 2014 Oct 08
85/27 (423460) 2005 SO134 2005 Sep 29 +20.9 In field of suspect THX034 found by Robert Hutsebaut from station H06 on Sep 28th. THX034 was eventually identified as 2001 XN185. Faint pre-discovery images of 2005 SO134 were later found by Robert on his images from Sep 28th. 2015 Feb 03
86/105 (428804) 2008 TV9 2008 Oct 08 +20.5 In field of MBA discovery 2008 TV 2015 Mar 05
87/106 (428806) 2008 TC26 2008 Oct 09 +19.5 In field of two(!) NEOCP objects 2008 TQ10 and 2008 TR10. Moving at 1.2"/min at discovery, 2008 TC26 was a Hungaria-type minor planet (between resonances 1:4 and 1:5 with Jupiter) lying inside the inner zone of the main belt, at a mean distance from the Sun of a=1.91 AU. 2015 Mar 05
88/76 (438498) 2007 PP29 2007 Aug 12 +20.5 In field of MBA discovery 2007 PN9 2015 Jul 02
89/5 (447025) 2004 OH9 2004 Jul 20 +19.9 In field of NEOCP object (2004 NN31) 2015 Oct 28
90/42 (447428) 2006 DH 2006 Feb 17 +20.5 In field of NEO 2006 CU10  2015 Oct 28
91/91 (450858) 2007 XU23 2007 Dec 12 +20.7 In field of MBA discoveries 2007 XB18  and 2007 XC18 2015 Nov 25
92/80 (462118) 2007 RE133 2007 Sep 15 +19.9 In field of NEOCP object Comet C/2007 R3 (Gibbs) 2016 Mar 23
93/136 (477193) 2009 HR12 2009 Apr 19 +20.2 In field of NEOCP object 2009 HU2. 2016 Nov 14
94/139 (477291) 2009 SG171 2009 Sep 27 +20.4 In field of NEOCP object 2009 SM104. 2016 Nov 14
95/116 (484726) 2008 XE7 2008 Dec 09 +19.4 In field of MBA discovery 2008 XZ6. 2017 Mar 12
96/141 (490529) 2009 VC 2009 Nov 06 +19.0 In field of MBA 2009 UF94, which at the time had only been observed on two nights, having been discovered by Paolo Bacci from station B33 on Oct 26th. 2017 May 10
97/22 (518470) 2005 PZ4 2005 Aug 08 +20.4 In field of NEO 2005 PO. First discovery using Meade 16" after first light on 27 June 2005. 2018 May 29
98/70 (550544) 2007 PL = 2012 PV22 2007 Aug 05 +20.2 In search field of NEOCP object 2007 OR9 2021 Mar 25
99/7 (568632) 2004 PN2 2004 Aug 07 +19.6 In field of MBA discovery 2004 OJ9 2021 Aug 10
100/31 (569485) 2005 UZ6 2005 Oct 22 +20.4 In field of MBA discovery 2005 TV49 2021 Aug 10
101/40 (569720) 2005 WN60 2005 Nov 25 +20.8 In recovery field of MBA discovery 2004 OJ9 2021 Aug 10
102/36 (577822) 2005 VW7 = 2013 RX43 2005 Nov 06 +20.6 In field of suspect THX052 found by Robert Hutsebaut from station H06 on Nov 6th. THX052 was eventually identified as 2000 WD86. 2021 Aug 10
103/51 (587579) 2006 GQ3 = 2013 GB37 2006 Apr 04 +20.6 In field of MBA discovery 2006 GA2 2021 Sep 20
104/147 (590165) 2011 RU14 2011 Sep 06 +20.8 In field of NEOCP object P101fiN (which was never confirmed). First Great Shefford discovery receiving a permanent number under new rules. 2021 Sep 20
105/32 (613119) 2005 UA7 2005 Oct 22 +19.9 In field of MBA discovery 2005 TW49 2022 Mar 28
106/84 (613915) 2007 XS16 2007 Dec 10 +20.5 In field of NEO 2007 XB10 2022 Mar 28
107/149 (634395) 2011 QM2 2011 Aug 20 +20.1 In field of NEO 2011 PU1 2023 Nov 18
108/150 (634465) 2011 SP232 2011 Sep 30 +20.3 In field of NEOCP object 2011 SF191 (which was not recorded due to proximity with a star) 2023 Nov 18
109/93 (646021) 2007 YL2 2007 Dec 16 +20.1 In field of MBA discovery (613915) 2007 XS16 2024 Feb 01 (& WGSBN Bulletin Vol 4 #7)
110/104 (664694) 2008 TG9 2008 Oct 08 +20.8 In field of NEO 2008 TH. 2024 Mar 22
111/128 (667963) 2009 CL6 2009 Feb 14 +20.9 In search field for MBA discovery 2009 CA45. 2024 Mar 22 
112/118 (705374) 2009 AO1 2009 Jan 03 +20.5 In field of NEOCP object 2008 YH30. 2024 Jul 14

1. V Magnitudes for discovery dates are from the MPC's Minor Planet Ephemeris Service

Summary of Numbered Minor Planet discovery circumstances:
Circumstance Number
In field of Comet 3
In field of NEO Confirmation Page object 35
In field of NEO 29
In field of non-main belt (unusual) object 2
In field during follow-up of Great Shefford discovery 38
In field during follow-up of discovery for other stations 5

Possible candidates for discovery credit (new rules)

Provisional designations with single-opposition orbits as of 19 Oct 2010, or minor planets that have been submitted to the Minor Planet Center (MPC) as potentially new discoveries since 19 Oct 2010. All these objects are subject to the new rules as published by the MPC in the Editorial Notice in MPEC 2010-U20.

Discovery credit for these objects will only get assigned to Great Shefford if the earliest submitted observations used in the orbital computation at the time of numbering are attributable to Great Shefford.

As at 03 January 2020, objects marked in green appear to be favourable, though it is quite likely that earlier observations from other observatories will eventually be identified when further (newer) observations come to light, extending the orbital arc. In that case, discovery credit would then be assigned to the observatory that first submitted positions used in the final orbit.

Objects marked in red are very unlikely to result in discovery credit being assigned to Great Shefford, with observations from other observatories from earlier dates already being available. However, for a few (generally marked with a ?) there is a small chance that discovery credit could be assigned to Great Shefford (if the Great Shefford observations were submitted to the MPC earlier than other observatories). Until the objects are finally numbered this will not be known for sure.

In the list below, the first column (Disc. Seq.) gives the sequence in which the objects were first picked up, e.g. 2005 EE1 was the 17th potentially new minor planet picked up from Great Shefford.

List of objects where there is a (probably small) possibility under the new rules that discovery credit might be assigned to Great Shefford:
Disc. Seq. Designation Discovery Date Mag.(1) Circumstances
8 2004 PO95 2004 Aug 13 +19.2 In field of MBA discovery 2004 PN2
17? 2005 EE1 = 2005 CC77 2005 Mar 02 +20.0 In recovery field of MBA discovery 2003 TQ3
39 2005 WU57 2005 Nov 25 +20.7 In field of MBA discovery 2005 WR57
66? 2007 EA183 = 2012 BL157 2007 Mar 15 +20.6 In field of NEOCP object (2007 EJ88), which was only dimly recorded at mag +21.6 R and measurements were not submitted to the Minor Planet Center.
79? 2007 RA12 2007 Sep 11 +21.3 In field of NEOCP object 1998 QB28
85 2007 XT16 2007 Dec 10 +21.3 In field of NEO 2007 XB10
87? 2007 XY17 = 2020 PE8 2007 Dec 11 +19.6 In field of MBA 2007 XR16 (see non-principal designations)
106? 2008 TR156 = 2014 OO232 2008 Oct 09 +20.6 In field of NEOCP object 2008 TN9
111 2008 UE99 2008 Oct 28 +21.0 In field of NEOCP object 2008 UO90
113 2008 WH2 2008 Nov 18 +19.2 In field of NEO object 2008 WB.
116 2008 YT24 2008 Dec 26 +21.3 In field of NEO object 2008 YN2.
117 2009 AN1 = 2018 FH17 2009 Jan 03 +20.7 In field of NEOCP object 2009 AR.
136 2009 HW58 = 2017 QA19 2009 Apr 25 +20.0 In field of NEOCP object 2009 HT58.
141 2009 VJ42 2009 Nov 08 +20.1 In field of NEOCP object 2009 VR.
147 2011 SV25 2011 Sep 19 +20.6 In field of NEOP object 2011 SN5
151 2012 CJ2 2012 Feb 03 +20.7 In field of NEOCP object 2012 CG
154 2012 FW1 2012 Mar 18 +20.9 In field of NEOCP object 2012 FC1
155? 2012 FX1 2012 Mar 18 +20.5 In field of NEOCP object 2012 FZ
157? 2012 RP9 2012 Sep 12 +19.6 In field of NEOCP object 2012 RH10
162 2012 XH54 2012 Dec 06 +19.2 In field of NEOCP object 2012 XX6
163 2013 YX35 = 2017 XD40 2013 Dec 27 +20.9 In field of NEOCP object JCM1803 (which was eventually flagged as non-existent)
164? 2015 TN23 2015 Oct 08 +20.7 In field of NEO 2015 TH
166 2015 XV218 2015 Dec 04 +21.1 In field of NEOCP object 2015 XJ55 . Sent to MPC on 04/12/2015 02:28UT (before G96 or F51 observations)
167 2016 QP45 2016 Aug 31 +20.2 In field of unidentified MBA (subsequently designated as 2016 QZ48 and then identified with 2003 SO203) which had been picked up in the field of outbursting Comet 174P/Echeclus 24 hours earlier. 2016 QP45 is a Mars-crosser and was listed on the NEOCP as GSG8VB for 2 days after discovery.
169 2016 VY11 2016 Nov 07 +20.3 In field of MBA discovery 2016 VU6
171? 2017 DH110 2017 Feb 23 +20.7 In field of NEOCP object 2017 DU35
173 2017 RB18 2017 Sep 12 +20.7 In field of  Mars crossing NEOCP object 2017 RJ1
174 2020 FD7 = 2012 KD37 2020 Mar 25 +21.2 In field of NEOCP object 2020 FH5.

Non-principal designations

The following minor planets were discovered at Great Shefford, given a provisional designation by the Minor Planet Center, but later identified with observations from a different apparition or earlier in the same apparition and discovery credit given to those observations:
  Designation / Principal Designation Discovery
Mag.(1) Circumstances
1 2004 VM64 / 2007 HG7 / (266437)

2004 Nov 12

+19.7 In field of NEOCP object (2004 VB61). Only observed on two nights in 2004, then rediscovered by Catalina Sky Survey in April 2007.
2 2005 US3 / 2001 QD252 / (230166)

2005 Oct 22

+19.3 In field of NEOCP object (Comet P/2005 U1 Read)
3 2006 EN / 2011 EF63 / (281914)

2006 Mar 01

+21.2 In field of NEO 2006 CT9. 31 day arc in 2006 was superseded by linkages made from observations in 2011.
4 2006 FE35/ 2002 GH85 / (307220)

2006 Mar 23

+19.3 In field of MBA discovery 2006 EQ
5 2006 UT215 / 2002 SO32 / (427548)

2006 Oct 26

+20.0 In field of MBA 2006 UV62 (station 715 discovery by David Dixon).
6 2007 GA / 2004 TN200 / (318331)

2007 Apr 04

+20.6 In field of MBA discovery 2007 EA183.
28 hours after discovery 2007 GA passed 27" south of 2007 EA183.
7 2007 XR16 / 2000 CH96 / (182043)

2007 Dec 10

+19.4 In field of NEO 2007 XB10
8 2007 XW16 / 2003 AG20 / (350957)

2007 Dec 11

+19.8 In field of NEO 2007 XJ16
9 2008 DR / 2003 FP78 / (350983)

2008 Feb 25

+19.4 In field of NEO 2008 CR118
10 2008 GD3 / 2010 VE106 / (411397) 2008 Apr 05 +20.8 In field of NEOCP object 2008 GF2
11 2008 QE20 / 2005 XQ3 / (280899)

2008 Aug 30

+18.6 In field of MBA discovery 2005 WR57. 3-sigma uncertainty of 2005 XQ3 at time of re-discovery: 10.8°.
12 2008 SE83 / 2002 SU1 / (270818)

2008 Sep 27

+19.7 In field of NEOCP object 2008 SB85
13 2009 DF47 / 2006 JK48 / (261908)

2009 Feb 21

+20.0 In field of MBA discovery 2009 CL6.
14 2009 FK1 / 2007 RA71 / (304856)

2009 Mar 16

+20.9 In field of MBA discovery 2009 EL2. Only observed on two nights in 2009 from Great Shefford.
15 2005 UR3 / (323940) 

2005 Oct 25

+19.9 In field of NEOCP object 2005 UU3.
16 2010 PJ66 / (359499) 2010 Aug 10 +20.3 In field of NEOCP object 2010 PD57.
17 2010 PQ74 / 2006 SD390 / (450619)

2010 Aug 11

+20.0 In a search field for a ONS object (GSA4A, which was not recovered) which itself had been found in the field of NEO 2010 PQ2. 2010 PQ74 was about 3° from the predicted position of 2006 SD390 when re-discovered.
18 2013 AB / 2005 AA58 / (366257)

2013 Jan 01

+19.9 In field of NEOCP object 2013 AU.
19 2012 TM146 / (384958) 2012 Oct 14 +20.5 In field of NEOCP object 2012 TD140
20 2008 UF3 / (394874) 2008 Oct 22 +19.4 In field of NEOCP object 2008 UE1, which was only dimly recorded and measurements were not submitted to the Minor Planet Center.
21 2009 AL2 / (394973) 2009 Jan 06 +20.6 In field of MBA discovery 2009 AN1.
22 2006 GZ1 / (417365) 2006 Apr 03 +20.2 In search area trying to recover MBA discovery 2004 VD70
23 2012 JK3 / (426171) 2012 May 12 +19.9 In field of NEOCP object 2012 JN4
24 2006 WU129 / (424014) 2006 Nov 25 +20.9 In field of MBA discovery 2006 VP1
25 2007 VC188 / (428489) 2007 Nov 11 +20.6 In field of NEOCP object 2007 VE184
26 2015 TO23 / 2014 KA32 2015 Oct 08 +20.6 In field of NEO 2015 TL
27 2005 UB7 = 2009 SD123 (457842) 2005 Oct 25 +20.6 In field of NEOCP object (2005 UU3)
28 2012 FT1 / (466127) 2012 Mar 17 +20.4 In field of NEOCP object 2012 FD1
29 2012 FU1 / 460360) 2012 Mar 17 +20.8 In field of NEOCP object 2012 FD1
30 2012 TM146 / (384958) 2012 Oct 14 +20.5 In field of NEOCP object 2012 TD140
31 2008 SB83/ (465454) 2008 Sep 26 +20.4 In field of NEOCP object 2008 SH82
32 2008 GB2 = 2012 CD23 = 2005 QC101 = 2008 HZ70 2008 Apr 05 +20.4 In field of NEOCP object 2008 GF2
33 2007 VU84 (476251) 2007 Nov 05 +20.1 In field of NEOCP object 2007 VJ8
34 2009 BC10 (477053) 2009 Jan 20 +19.5 In field of NEOCP object 2009 BV2.
35 2007 AN9 (481467) 2007 Jan 14 +19.2 In field of NEOCP object (2007 AE12). At mag +21.8, 2007 AE12 was too close to a field star to be detected.
36 2009 CB4 (481942) 2009 Feb 02 +20.6 In field of ex-NEOCP Mars-crossing object 2009 BF77. (See 2009 CA45)
37 2011 SQ232 (485502) 2011 Sep 30 +20.4 In field of NEOCP object 2011 SF191
38 2017 RK3 = 2015 FW230 2017 Sep 12 +20.1 In field of spacecraft OSIRIS REx (which was too faint to be recorded)
39 2007 RF133 = (498065) 2007 Sep 15 +19.9 In field of NEOCP object Comet C/2007 R3 (Gibbs)
40 2006 EJ1 = 2015 BO16 = 2010 EV16 = 2013 RY69 = 2015 BO16 = (502127) 2006 Mar 05 +20.4 In field of NEOCP object (2006 EY)
41 2005 SS19 = (509035) 2005 Sep 23 +20.3 In field of NEOCP object (5S017C4, which turned out not to be a minor planet, but the slow moving artificial satellite WMAP positioned at the Earths L2 Lagrange Point) 
42 2006 VP1 = (509279) 2006 Nov 01 +19.4 In field of NEOCP object (2006 VA)
43 2016 VZ11 = (512855) 2016 Nov 07 +20.9 In field of NEOCP object 2016 VL2
44 2018 DJ3 = 2013 YH82 2018 Feb 22 +19.8 In field of NEOCP object 2018 DM
45 2012 XM2 = (513762) 2012 Dec 03 +18.7 In field of NEOCP object 2012 XH
46 2016 VU6 = (516265) 2016 Nov 05 +20.4 In field of NEOCP object 2016 VR1
47 2012 TN146 = (531500) 2012 Oct 14 +20.4 In field of NEOCP object 2012 TT145
48 2012 HB12 = (590607) 2012 Apr 20 +19.9 In field of NEOCP object 2012 HK2
49 2006 XY4 = (611518) 2006 Dec 12 +20.8 In field of NEO object (2006 XW)
50 2007 YL2 = (646021) 2007 Dec 16 +20.1 In field of MBA discovery 2007 XS16
51 2009 TQ2 = (648395) 2009 Oct 12 +20.0 In field of MBA discovery 2007 HB5.
52 2010 TO5 = (648955) 2010 Oct 01 +19.3 In field of NEOCP object 2003 SZ84 = 2010 TA.
53 2017 GE7 = (658096) 2017 Apr 04 +19.3 In field of NEOCP object 2017 GQ5 = 2010 JY209
54 2009 AJ2 = 2015 TO162 = 2015 OK69 = 2012 XT129 = (665141) 2009 Jan 06 +20.5 In field of MBA discovery 2009 AN1.
55 2012 XL2 = 2006 JJ75 = 2011 OK33 (688717) 2012 Dec 03 +20.6 In field of NEOCP object 2012 XH

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