C/2006 M1 (LINEAR) was discovered by LINEAR on 18 June 2006 in the
Milky Way less than 8 degrees from Deneb in Cygnus. LINEAR then
re-observed it three nights later and the Minor Planet Center then
added it to the NEO
Confirmation page just before 23:00 UT on 21 June 2006 as a
magnitude +17.7 object.
On the first set of images taken from Great Shefford that night a
thin tail was visible, extending to the southwest. Several further
imaging runs were taken during that night to confirm the existence
of the tail and to get positions of the comet as it drifted slowly
past stars in the rich Milky Way field. The coma was noted as
concentrated and 6" diameter and the tail 50" long in p.a.
The next day the object was taken off the NEOCP and announced on IAUC
8724 (subscription
required) as Comet C/2006 M1 (LINEAR). Jim Young from Table
Mountain Observatory, Wrightwood had also observed it about 7
hours after the images above had been taken and he noted the coma as
8" diameter, with a 40" tail in p.a. 225-235°.
Initial calculations indicated a perihelion distance of 4.0 AU
and a perihelion time of 2006 Nov. It is not expected to to get much
brighter than it was at discovery.