A second discovery from the collaboration between Charles Juels
in Arizona and Paulo Holvorcem in Campinas, Brazil was announced in IAUC
8557 and MPEC
2005-N10 on 3rd July 2005. Comet C/2005 N1 (Juels-Holvorcem)
was located low in the north east sky just before dawn and had been
hidden in the Sun's glare before discovery. When found it was almost
at its maximum elongation (only 47°), before gradually closing in
again on the Sun as it approached perihelion on 22 Aug 2005.
The first observation of C/2005 N1 from Great Shefford was
obtained early on the morning of 21 July 2005, nearly three weeks
after discovery, only after some Hawthorn hedging had been cut back
to expose the low north-east sky line. The image above was taken
with the Sun 15° below the horizon and with the Moon just 9 hours
before full brightening the sky.
The brightest central part of the coma is 12" in diameter. A
20" fan appears to extend from the north, through north-west
and merging into the 40" long stubby tail pointing almost due