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Small Asteroid Came Very
Close |
Oct 6, 2003 -
Image credit: Lowell
Observatory | A small asteroid, perhaps
3 to 6 meters in diameter—the size of a room or house—came
within 88,000 km of Earth late on Friday, September 27. Less
than a quarter of the distance to the Moon, this is the
closest well-documented Earth encounter of an asteroid that
has not struck our atmosphere.
“In a good month, we
find five to 10 near-Earth asteroids, but usually, the ones we
discover are as big as mountains, or at least football
stadiums, so this one was unique for us,” said Edward Bowell,
Director of Lowell Observatory’s Near-Earth-Object Search
Known as 2003 SQ222, the asteroid was imaged
a few hours after close approach by Michael Van Ness, a
graduate student at Northern Arizona University,
LONEOS is one of five teams funded by NASA’s
Near Earth Objects Observations program to look for asteroids
and comets that could come close to or strike our planet.
LONEOS is the third leading discoverer of
The first images of SQ222 were made on a
series of CCD-camera frames (charge-coupled device) taken for
Minor Planet Research, an organization collaborating with
LONEOS on a project with an aim of having high school students
make asteroid discoveries at the Challenger Learning Center in
Peoria, Arizona. Robert Cash, of MPR, used automatic
moving-object detection software to find three trailed images
of an object moving at 20 degrees per day, almost twice as
fast as the Moon, across the sky. Cash relayed his discovery
back to Lowell Observatory and to the international
clearinghouse for asteroid and comet observations, the Minor
Planet Center, in Cambridge Massachusetts.
positions were posted on the MPC’s Near-Earth Object
Confirmation Page so observers worldwide could follow the
Meanwhile, Bowell noticed that it was possible
to compute a fairly reliable orbit. “The orbit showed clearly
that SQ222 had passed within a quarter of the Moon’s distance
to the Earth, some 11 hours before being discovered,” said
Bowell. “So, I e-mailed our results to the Minor Planet
Mailing List, to which hundreds of amateur and professional
astronomers subscribe, with a request for further
Brian Skiff, LONEOS’ chief observer,
acquired fresh CCD frames on September 29, but the LONEOS team
was unable to locate the asteroid’s images. Once again, Bob
Cash found the by then very faint images of the asteroid after
visually searching the frames for more than three hours in the
wee hours of September 30th. You can view two sequences of
LONEOS images of SQ222.
Independently, British amateur
astronomer Peter Birtwhistle, using a 30-cm telescope west of
London, was able to image the asteroid. “It is remarkable that
Birtwhistle was able to detect the asteroid using such a small
telescope,” said Bowell. “He did so by tracking the motion of
the asteroid and by aligning and co-adding (or stacking) the
frames to bring out the faint asteroid images.”
essential rapid teamwork between Lowell Observatory and keen
amateur astronomers made it possible to confirm and image this
fast-moving, small asteroid as it shot past us,” said
SQ222’s known brightness and distance allow
calculation of its size. Most asteroids have either coal-black
surfaces or are about four times more reflective. Bowell
estimates the asteroid to be just 3 to 6 meters in diameter,
most likely making it the smallest asteroid for which we have
a reliable orbit. (Smaller and closer asteroids have been seen
in space, especially by the Spacewatch team at the University
of Arizona, but it has not been possible to follow them long
enough to secure good orbits.)
Perhaps the final
detection of SQ222 was made by British astronomer Alan
Fitzsimmons (Queen’s University Belfast) on October 2.
Fitzsimmons, working through thin cloud, managed to detect the
asteroid using the 2.5-m Isaac Newton Telescope at La Palma in
the Canary Islands. By then, SQ222, receding rapidly from
Earth, was about 100 times fainter than at
After Fitzsimmons’ observations, the orbit
of SQ222 was good enough to compute a reliable value of what
astronomers call the minimum orbital intersection distance,
This is the minimum distance between the orbit
of the asteroid and that of the Earth. Bowell calculated the
MOID to be a little over 4 Earth radii (about 27,000
“This distance is, roughly speaking, the very
closest the asteroid could have come to the center of the
Earth during its fly-by,” said Bowell. “Therefore, SQ222 could
not possibly have struck the Earth.” Even if it could have, it
would have exploded harmlessly in the upper atmosphere, with
an energy comparable to that of a small atomic bomb, as
friction with the air vaporized its surface, added
“Objects the size of SQ222 actually do burn up
in Earth’s atmosphere every year or so, producing a
spectacular light show,” said Bowell.
In what is most
likely a coincidence, an intense shower of meteorites was
reported in India about 10 hours before SQ222’s closest
approach to Earth. Could the asteroid and the meteorites be
fragments of a larger asteroid that was broken apart by a
collision with another asteroid or by tidal disruption during
a previous very close Earth approach? It seems very unlikely,
but work is ongoing to test the plausibility of the
Will SQ222 make another close pass by Earth? It
is hard to say, as the orbit is not accurate enough to make
reliable predictions for more than a few years into the
future. Certainly, there seems no possibility of it returning
within the next decade. Also, SQ222 will be too faint to see
in the foreseeable future, even using the most powerful
Original Source: Lowell
News Release
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