If you have an ephemeris that you want to use that is not from one of the integrated ephemeris sources MPES, NEOCP, Scout, Horizons or Find_Orb you may still be able to use it in Ephemeris Interpolator.

There are two ways to manually enter an ephemeris. Both options initially require an object name to be entered in Object and optionally a value to be entered in Qualifier. If the Object (and optional qualifier) are new, the toolstrip Add button will be shown, otherwise the Replace button will be shown.

Options to add an ephemeris manually:

  • Using the Add / Replace button
    • Copy the ephemeris to the Windows clipboard e.g. select the ephemeris text from an external source and press Ctrl+C to copy
    • Click into the Ephemeris lines area
    • Paste in the previously copied ephemeris by pressing Ctrl+V
    • Press the the Add or Replace button
    • The Object (and qualifier) will appear in the list of tabs
  • Using the Paste clipboard into ephemeris lines and add button
    • Copy the ephemeris to the Windows clipboard e.g. select the ephemeris text from an external source and press Ctrl+C to copy
    • Press the Paste clipboard into ephemeris lines and add button
    • This replaces any existing text in the Ephemeris lines area with the text on the Windows clipboard, then adds the object to the list of tabs

Only detail ephemeris lines should be copy/pasted, not headings. However, the program will attempt to recognise headings and automatically strip them out.

If any changes need to be made after an object has been added, (e.g. adding or replacing ephemeris lines) then edit the text in the Ephemeris Lines area then press the Replace button to store the changes.

Note: When an ephemeris is manually added, Ephemeris Interpolator will try and identify its format, comparing it with the set of existing ephemeris formats. Use Calculate with a few different times to visually check that values of RA, Dec, Speed and P.A.° are being interpolated correctly. If this shows that the newly added ephemeris is not a good match to a known format use the Ephemeris Formats Editor to add a new ephemeris format for the manually added ephemeris.

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