version 1.0.3 Rev 06Feb2025
WAMO Viewer is a small utility designed to make submitting data to the Minor Planet Center's 'Where Are My Observations?' (WAMO) web service more flexible and to make the results from WAMO easier to analyse.
The Minor Planet Center's 'Where Are My Observations?' web service allows the observer to find out what has happened to astrometry submitted to the Minor Planet Center and if appropriate, provides a reference to the publication it has appeared in.
Text entered into the Input area of the WAMO Viewer is sent to the Minor Planet Center's 'Where Are My Observations?' (WAMO) web service. The response from the web service is reformatted and displayed in the Output area where it can be copied and pasted into e.g. a spreadsheet for further analysis.
See Using the WAMO Viewer for more information.
Created with the Personal Edition of HelpNDoc: Easily create EBooks