Settings can be displayed and modified by pressing the Settings button on the toolstrip.
Settings are grouped into categories for convenience and are described below:
Category |
Setting |
Description |
ExposureColour1 |
First of two colours for selected exposures start and end point markings. |
ExposureColour2 |
Second of two colours for selected exposures start and end point markings. |
ExposureColourUnselected |
Colour for unselected exposures start and end point markings. |
ExposureWidthSelected |
The line width of selected exposures (in pixels). The valid range is 1 - 20. |
ExposureWidthUnselected |
The line width of unselected exposures (in pixels). The valid range is 1 - 20. |
FITS files |
The type of date represented by the DATE-OBS keyword in the FITS file header. Choose one of:
This setting is used in conjunction with the FITS header values of exposure date/time and duration of exposure to calculate the FITS files start and end of exposure time for the placement of exposure boundary lines on the Screen Ruler. |
FITS file source folder path. Selected files are copied from this folder to the FITSStackingFolder when the Copy selected files toolstrip button is pressed. |
FITS file Stacking work area folder Files are added and deleted from this folder during normal Screen Ruler operation. DO NOT use an existing folder containing important files. Create a dedicated folder for Screen Ruler use that can then also be used by other programs e.g. Astrometrica, to perform Track & stack operations from. Must be a different folder to the FITSSourceFolder. |
FITS image file extensions (or suffixes) allowed to be dropped on the Screen Ruler Control window. If more than one value is required, separate with blanks, e.g.: .fit .fits .fts |
Settings |
Folder to export (backup) application settings text files into. |
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