Save current settings marked with * as new defaults
Save current settings marked with * as new defaults
Some internal settings used by the Screen Ruler can be set up as defaults that will be used each time the program starts. These are separate from those that can be maintained from the Settings window.
Pressing the toolstrip button will set the current values of the settings listed below as the new defaults to be used each time the program is started.
Some can be adjusted on the Control window and they are indicated with a * above. See the Settings area for details. They are:
- End Image number
- Line width
- Ruler colour
- Opacity
- Screen Ruler background colour
The remaining internal settings that are saved as new defaults are:
- Initial location of the Control window
- Initial location and size of the Screen Ruler window
- Initial location, size and magnification of the Magnifier window
- Initial visibility of the Screen Ruler Perpendicular line
- Initial location of the Settings window
To set new defaults:
- Modify any of the settings marked with a * on the Control window that require changing.
- Position the Control window to where it will be required when the program next starts.
- Position and resize the Screen Ruler window where it will be required.
- Press F9 to toggle the perpendicular line on or off as required.
- Press F12 to display the Magnifier window, then position it, optionally dock it (with Ctrl+F12), size it and set the magnification as required.
- Press
Settings to display the Settings window and position it as required, then press OK to return to the Control window.
- Press the
Save current settings marked with * as new defaults button.
Note: The locations of the windows can be reset to the top left of the primary screen by holding the Shift+Ctrl keys when starting the Screen Ruler.
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