Locked / Unlocked
This button toggles between two states, Locked and Unlocked. It controls how the Screen Ruler position is adjusted when using the keyboard. This is useful when using the Magnifier window to set the start or end positions accurately.
When the program starts the Ruler is Unlocked.
Unlocked (Adjust Ruler START or END position)
When the Screen Ruler is unlocked the keyboard arrow keys adjust either the ruler start or the end position.
Press the arrow keys to adjust the ruler START position. The mouse is placed over the START position.
Hold Ctrl & press the arrow keys to adjust the ruler END position. The mouse is placed over END position.
When moving the start or end position, hold Shift to move 5x faster.
Locked (MOVE entire ruler)
When the Screen Ruler is locked the keyboard arrow keys move the entire ruler.
Press the arrow keys to MOVE ENTIRE RULER. The mouse is placed over the START position.
Hold Ctrl & press the arrow keys to MOVE ENTIRE RULER. The mouse is placed over the END position.
When moving the ruler, hold Shift to move 5x faster.
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