Settings can be displayed and modified by pressing the Settings button on the toolstrip.

Settings are grouped into categories for convenience and are described below:






Set to True to enable the Paste RA and Dec to Astrometrica button on the Pad, to Paste the calculated RA and Dec to the Astrometrica 'Coordinates' or 'Coordinates, Tracking And Stacking' window. See also Astrometrica integration.


Sequence of keystrokes to send to Astrometrica after .FITs files have been dropped on the Pad to start the completion of a Track and Stack operation. See also Astrometrica integration.

Default - "%o+{TAB}{ENTER}"


Sequence of keystrokes to send Speed and P.A.° data to the Astrometrica Coordinates, Tracking and Stacking window when using the Paste speed and P.A.° to Astrometrica button on the Pad. Calculated Speed and P.A.° will be substituted for "<Speed>" and "<PA>" at run time. See the extended description from the Settings screen for details of the special keys and modifiers that can be specified. See also Astrometrica integration.

Default = "%M<Speed>{TAB}<PA>".


Second sequence of keystrokes used by the Paste speed and P.A.° to Astrometrica button to send Speed and P.A.° data to the Astrometrica Coordinates, Tracking and Stacking window. Sent after the delay configured in the setting AstrometricaStackDelay, allowing the Speed and P.A.° to be seen briefly before Astrometrica starts processing. See the extended description from the Settings screen for details of the special keys and modifiers that can be specified. See also Astrometrica integration.

Default = "{ENTER}"


Delay (in seconds) between sending the first (AstrometricaSendKeysStack1) and second set of keystrokes (AstrometricaSendKeysStack2) to Astrometrica when the Paste speed and P.A.° to Astrometrica button is pressed. See also Astrometrica integration.

Default = 1 second.


Keystroke required to select the Add Astrometrica stacking method on the Astrometrica "Coordinates, Tracking and Stacking" window.

Default = "a"


Keystroke required to select the Average Astrometrica stacking method on the Astrometrica "Coordinates, Tracking and Stacking" window.

Default = "v"


Keystroke required to select the Median Astrometrica stacking method on the Astrometrica "Coordinates, Tracking and Stacking" window.

Default = "e"



Threshold value above which an ephemeris format match is regarded as good. See Understanding match scores.

Default = 50.


Threshold value below which an ephemeris format match is rejected. See Understanding match scores.

Default = 20


For NEOCP ephemeris retrieval, impose upper and lower Declination limits depending on the latitude of the current observatory code.

Default = True.


For the ephemeris currently being added or replaced, show the match scores against all existing ephemeris formats. See Understanding match scores.

Default =  False.

Ephemeris format editor


Threshold value of difference between two highest scoring ephemeris formats, smaller values trigger warning. See Understanding match scores.

Default = 5.


Warning colour if EditorMatchWarning is not exceeded, or if the highest scoring existing format is within 10% of the score for the current format. See Understanding match scores.

Default = Orange


Warning colour if current ephemeris format scores equal to or lower than an existing format, or scores lower than EphemerisMatchThresholdGood. See Understanding match scores.

Default = Red



Include "COM Combine all" as the first line of text when astrometry is copied to the clipboard using the Copy astrometry from MPC to clipboard button. Causes Find_Orb to treat all object identifiers in a set of astrometry lines as if they refer to the same object. See the Combining and cross-referencing observations section on the page.

Default = True.


The name of the ephemeris text file that Find_Orb outputs. Used by the Add last ephemeris generated in Find_Orb button. See Find_Orb integration.

Default = ephemeri.txt.


Find_Orb installation folder. Used by the Add last ephemeris generated in Find_Orb button to locate the last ephemeris generated by Find_Orb (contained in the file named in the FindOrbEphFile setting). See Find_Orb integration.



Size of GoogleSky field of view (in arc-minutes). Requires GoogleEarth Pro application to be installed. If set to 0 disables the Display position in Google Sky button on both the Ephemeris Interpolator and the Pad windows. See GoogleSky integration.



A comma separated list of the Horizons Observer table quantity numbers, defining the information to be included in requested Horizons ephemerides. See Horizons ephemeris quantities and also the Horizons documentation at for full details. For the ephemerides to be properly interpreted by Ephemeris Interpolator the quantities selected must have a matching Ephemeris format available. The default quantities match the format JPLHrznAPI.

Default = 1,4,9,23,24,47,19,20,37



Optional. Name (including the full path) of an external text editor program to edit text files instead of the default of Windows Notepad. Used by Edit GoogleSky KML template.

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